Smoked Brisket 2015-1211

Brisket: grade choice, 14.1 lbs, cut in half to fit on Brinkman Gourmet Charcoal Grill and Smoker.
Outside Temperature 37-55 ° F, wind South 5-10 mph
0900 Brisket put on smoker. Coals used with oak wood chips for smoke. Cooking temperature ranged from 200 to 250 ° F.
1300 Meat was 155° F
14:30 Wrapped meat in two layers of foil and put in convection oven at 350° F. Meat was 153° F
1600 Meat was 165° F
1700 Meat was 180° F. Liquids leaking out of foil because foil was too small to adequately seal the meat. This caused on piece to be drier than the other.
1800 Meat was 194° F.
1900 Meat was 202° F
Brisket was very tender and not to smokey.

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