Upgrade Owncloud 8.04 to 8.1 in Ubuntu Linux

When I tried to upgrade owncloud 8.04 to 8.1, the owcloud updater app did not work and said I was already at the highest version. However when I run

sudo dpkg -l owncloud*

I get that owncloud 8.1 is installed. Version 8.1 was installed to my /var/www/owncloud directory, however I run owncloud at /var/www/cc.com/owncloud. Here are my installation steps.

Backup owncloud folders: see https://blog.chadchenault.com/2015/07/20/updates-in-owncloud-8-ubuntu-linux/

Undo strong permissions and directory ownership for updates: https://blog.chadchenault.com/2015/07/20/updates-in-owncloud-8-ubuntu-linux/

Turn on Maintenance mode:

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/cc.com/owncloud/occ maintenance:mode –on

Rename current owncloud installation and save it in case you need to restore to it

cd /var/www/cc.com/

mv -v owncloud owncloud.8.04

Move owncloud 8.1 to /var/www/cc.com

cp -vR /var/www/owncloud /var/www/cc.com/

Copy old config.php to new files

cp -v /var/www/cc.com/owncloud.8.04/config/config.php /var/www/cc.com/owncloud/config/

Remove new data directory and restore old data dir

rm -vR /var/www/cc.com/owncloud/data

cp -av /var/www/cc.com/owncloud.8.04/data /var/www/cc.com/owncloud/

Undo strong permissions and directory ownership for updates: https://blog.chadchenault.com/2015/07/20/updates-in-owncloud-8-ubuntu-linux/

Restart you webserver

service apache2 restart

Run the owncloud upgrade

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/cc.com/owncloud/occ upgrade

“The upgrade operation takes a few minutes, depending on the size of your installation. When it is finished you will see a success message, or an error message that will tell where it went wrong.” sourceĀ https://doc.owncloud.org/server/8.0/admin_manual/maintenance/upgrade.html

Here is the last two lines of output indicating success: “Update successful
Maintenance mode is kept active”

Reset your Strong Permissions: https://blog.chadchenault.com/2015/07/20/updates-in-owncloud-8-ubuntu-linux/


Turn off Maintenance mode

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/cc.com/owncloud/occ maintenance:mode –off

The End!


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